Tween / Teen Neuropsychological Assessment

Dr. Bryer conducts neuropsychological assessment for a variety of conditions that affect the way a child thinks and functions. These evaluations assess many aspects of cognitive functioning including attention, learning, memory, spatial awareness, and problem solving. She also examines a child’s behavioral and emotional functioning through the use of information gathered from the clinical interview, questionnaires, mood inventories, and behavioral observation.

She specializes in assessment for the following conditions:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Intellectual Functioning including Giftedness
Learning Disorders
such as:
Disorder of Written Expression
Mathematics Disorder
Nonverbal Learning Disability
Traumatic Brain Injury


What happens the day of my child’s evaluation and how long will it take?
Step 1 (approximately one hour):
In order to fully understand concerns about your child, Dr. Bryer interviews the parents/ caregivers to obtain a full picture of the problem and your child’s history. With parent/caregiver consent, Dr. Bryer may speak with teachers or other individuals involved in your child’s life in order to gain as much information as possible related to your child’s functioning.

Step 2 (two to eight hours):
Dr. Bryer will tailor the tests administered to your child based on the question at hand so that your child does not undergo more testing than is necessary, but undergoes enough testing to provide a comprehensive and thorough set of results. The testing component of the evaluation entails a wide range of different activities to keep your child engaged including puzzles, blocks, drawing, and writing. Typically, Dr. Bryer is able to complete the testing component of an evaluation in one day. She usually begins testing in the morning and finishes the evaluation by mid-afternoon. Children routinely are given a lunch break and as many other breaks during the day as they require. Dr. Bryer makes every effort to create a fun and interactive
experience for your child during the evaluation process.

What should I bring with me to my child’s evaluation and when should I arrive?
Dr. Bryer asks that you bring any school records, report cards, and/or standardized testing results that you have available. Please bring a list of any medications (including dosages) your child is currently prescribed. If he/she wears glasses, please be sure they bring them for the evaluation. She also asks that you arrive thirty minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to fill out paperwork.

Is there anything else I should do to prepare my child for the evaluation?
Please make sure that your child is well rested for the evaluation and has eaten breakfast. It is important that they are able to give their best effort on the testing day.

How quickly will I receive test results and in what form?
Dr. Bryer usually provides test results within aprroximately two-weeks. In order to ensure that all of the questions about your child’s functioning are answered, she arranges a sixty-minute, face-to-face feedback session with the parents/caregivers and goes over each section of the report.

What do I do with the test results once I receive them?
Dr. Bryer will go over the recommendations and rationale during the face-to-face feedback session. Possible outcomes from her evaluation might include discussing test results with school personnel to secure appropriate accommodations, psychotherapy, psychiatric evaluation, and/or a behavioral management program.

How are fees handled?
Dr. Bryer is enrolled with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) and Blue Cross Blue Shield Trust (also known as TRUST PPO).
If you have either of these policies, she will bill your insurance carrier directly for services rendered. You will be responsible for any co-pays or deductibles dictated by BCBS. Dr. Bryer is out-of-network with other insurance companies, including Blue Care Network. Unless otherwise negotiated or you have an accepted BCBSM policy, payment for services is expected at the time they are rendered. Many insurance plans cover all or part of the costs of psychological services. If you expect to file for reimbursement from your insurance company, Dr. Bryer will provide you with a suitable receipt to submit to your insurance company so that you can be reimbursed directly.

What kinds of forms do I need to fill out?
Dr. Bryer has prepared a number of forms that you can print and fill out at your convenience. Simply bring them with you to your first appointment.

Child Background Questionnaire (pdf)

HIPAA Notice Form (pdf)


Child / Adolescent Assessment
I Child / Adolescent Psychotherapy
Adult Assessment I Adult Psychotherapy I Consultation I Independent Medical Evaluations

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